Career Mode
New Features of the FIFA 19 New Mode and Introduction of the Three Main Athletes
What are the new features of the FIFA 19 new mode? Many players don't understand it. The story mode of this game adopts the setting of the three main characters. In addition to the familiar Alex Hunter, there will be two characters we are familiar with as the protagonist. Here is the new FIFA 19 story mode. Features and three protagonists, are ...
[2018-09-06 09:54:17]
3 Players You Need Buy First in FIFA 19 Career Mode
EA Sport’s FIFA 19 has entered its 53 days countdown. With regard to this year’s Career Mode, there are so much new features that has been confirmed to be added into it. Among these new features, it is self-evident that the joining of Champions League and Chinese Super League is the feature that brings the biggest surprise to gamers. In...
[2018-08-06 09:13:21]